Ellos nos dijeron que estábamos en guerra, y nosotros
respondimos No! “Estamos más unidos que nunca.”

Ellos nos quisieron asustar con armas de fuego, y
nosotros respondimos, “Ya no tenemos miedo.”

Ellos nos metieron a la cárcel, y nosotros escribimos
libros, poemas, y canciones sobre la libertad y el

Ellos nos torturaron, y nosotros todavía alcanzamos La
Paz para dormir, cuando ellos no durmieron.

Ellos secaron los ríos, y nosotros tuvimos la lluvia.

Ellos nos mataron, y nosotros volvimos a nacer una y
otra vez, cientos, miles, millones, por siempre.

30 Pesos English Translation

They told us we are in war, and we
answered: No! “We are more united than ever.”

They scared us with big weapons, and
we answered: “We have no fear whatsoever.”

They put us in jail, and we wrote books, poems, and
songs about freedom
and love.

They tortured us, and we still have peace
while they can’t sleep.

They dried the river, and we still have rain.

They killed us, and we were born again and again for
hundreds, for
thousands, for millions, forever.

John Gonzales is a Chilean writer and activist.

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