We walk to find the best spot
among hordes of office dwellers

staid-clothed men and women
let loose on lunch hour

clanking heels fast
tip-tapping on pavement

bags clutched, phones out,
& here we are

on Market Street
making whatever

small talk holds up the air.

Snapping us out of
empty conversation

a singing voice
bodied & operatic

cuts through
the entire block

vibrato unwinding—
as if produced by

steel vocal cords &
a stage performer’s mic.

This voice belts lyrics
to a pop song we recognize

but can’t name.

With sidelong eyes, we notice:
the voice is the man

bald and burly
unloading boxes out

the back of a FedEx truck.

Shalini Rana is a poet from Virginia and an MFA candidate in poetry at the University of Arkansas Program in Creative Writing and Translation. Her work has most recently appeared in Feels Blind Literary and Anti-Heroin Chic, among others. She is a recipient of the James T. Whitehead Award for Poetry. You can find her at shalinirana.com.

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