A Love Letter to Underground Publishing: Line Rider Press Seeks Poetry Submissions and Announces First Book
Twins Joshua Lew and Jessica Colleen McDermott are proud to announce the launch of Line Rider Press, a poetry press and poetry/culture website. The press aims to shake up the publishing landscape by providing an outlet for poetry which challenges the sterility and apolitical nature of the literary mainstream today.
The press aims to publish working-class writing that emphasizes accessibility and radical social critiques of contemporary capitalist society.
The press will feature bi-weekly poems, music and film reviews, cultural commentary, and publish poetry books annually.
If you think great art is often controversial and always central to change, submit your work today. For more information on Line Rider Press and to submit your work, visit lineriderpress.com.
Line Rider’s first book publication will be the selected works of the late M. Tyler Esplin, a local legend and “shepherd” of the unlikely Logan, Utah, poetry scene of the early 2010s.
A press release party to celebrate Esplin and his work is planned in conjunction with Logan, Utah’s local reading series Helicon West on August 22 at 6:30 pm at the Logan Library.