crowds crowding
cowboy hats
american flags
ninety-nine cents flip
flops flip everything
you see is made in china
didn’t you know that?
dirty babies cry
dirty dollar bills
between smoke-stained fingers
and cheap red lipstick:
roscoe sweats bullets in the bread aisle because everything is gone
because it’s thursday
and all of the handicap spots are taken
the check got cashed on the first
and because there isn’t a functional grocery cart to be found
in the swaying heat
people walking right in traffic!
and large men are riding children’s bicycles
in faded blue jeans
since drinking-water sold in plastic poison for eighty-cents a gallon
is the best deal in town
bringing people together
and last but not least because roscoe ain’t got the money
here in america
to celebrate freedom
with a five dollar t-shirt
and last week’s hotdogs

Maryam El-Shall lives and works in Florida. Previously published works by them have appeared in A Beautiful Space and Rigorous.

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